Freedom or Democracy…The Choice is Ours [1]

Today’s Democratic Party is strongly opposed to freedom. Democracy and Freedom are antithetical concepts. An example of democracy may be represented by two wolves and one lamb deciding what to have for dinner; freedom, on the other hand, is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. It is the Democrats and democratically controlled cities that tend to go out of their way to restrict the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves—as guaranteed by the Second Amendment—against violent criminals over-running their cities. Maybe the Democrats are more worried that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear Arms, may someday be used against them as explained by the Founders in the Declaration, “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive [of our inalienable rights to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”] it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.”


Democracy came from the ancient Greeks… if it worked, Greek would probably be the dominate language spoken throughout the world today. Aristotle described democracy as a perversion of constitutional government and tyranny by the many, ultimately leading to revolution.


The American founding fathers feared and even loathed democracy, described by James Madison in Federalist #10, as “the violence of faction.” A faction represents an organized group of individuals interested in forcing their views on all other people, not unlike the Democratic Party. And, just to be clear, the word democracy is NOT written in our Constitution!


The Founders provided Americans with a “Republican Form of Government,” and Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution guarantees “to every State in the Union” a limited government whose primary purpose was to protect the natural rights of individuals against the whims and aspirations of the majority; and against enthusiastic “factions” or minorities with an agenda. Yet today, Americans are no longer living in a free country; we are subject to the ever-changing rules of the power-elites that control government, with the promise of democracy substituted for natural rights or freedom.


Americans, unknowingly, have given up their “citizenship” and have once again become “subjects” or slaves of those who are in control of government. As explained by Robert Higgs:


“One need only open one’s eyes to the clear historical trend. The United States verges ever closer to totalitarianism, yet at every moment the bulk of America’s people and most of its intellectuals insist that we live in a free country; some even insist that it is becoming steadily freer! Although one may point to events such as the abolition of slavery, the overthrow of the Jim Crow system . . . as evidence for such an argument, these undeniably important pieces of counterevidence stand out as clear exceptions to the dominant trends.”


“In 2010 alone, federal regulatory agencies issued 3,573 final rules—a fairly typical number in recent years—and the Federal Register reached an all-time high of 81,405 pages. Each year state and local governments add countless rules, regulations, and ordinances of their own. Very few such rules are ever repealed, so the total number of them grows steadily greater. A standard compilation of federal tax rules, regulations, and IRS rulings, for example, contains 72,536 pages, most of which only a tax lawyer or tax accountant has any chance of understanding, although every taxpayer bears the risk of penalties, fines, and imprisonment for violating them.”


“The United States is a dreadfully unfree country, all things being considered, and it is becoming less free all the time. The little patches of freedom that remain, scattered here and there, are too few and too insignificant to refute this generalization.”


“For a very long time, [Americans] have rested content with the Myth of the Land of the Free; they have accepted creature comforts, lavish entertainments, and the illusion of security as good substitutes for living in a free country. Such disregard of reality allows them to drift steadily toward a whirlpool of tyranny from which they will be unable to escape.”


How did this happen to us? According to Murray N. Rothbard, it is because of “Free & Compulsory Education.” In 1999, Kevin Ryan, Emeritus Professor of Education at Boston University, wrote the Preface for Rothbard’s manifesto and concluded:


“Education continues to be one of the most politically charged issues in our national culture, and the conflicts over education in America are likely to grow more polarized so long as the political control grows ever tighter. Indeed, for centuries the political control of education has engendered social conflict, and even led to civil wars and revolutions.”


In 1932, the year of Professor Ryan’s birth, there were 127,531 school districts in the United States. Today, the U.S. is home to approximately 16,800 school districts, which represents a substantial consolidation of power and control by government over a much greater number of students than in the 1930s. Whether you call them Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Fascists, Marxists, or Communists, they have commandeered the compulsory schooling system in the United States, indoctrinating the American people for at least the past 75-to-100 years.


Unfortunately, many Journalists in mainstream media, the medical communities’ COVID-19 response supporting government dictates, and the legal profession, including many Judges, have succumbed to the Marxist propaganda coming out of our government-controlled compulsory schooling system.


By 1937, the Supreme Court began the process of allowing our Constitutional Republic, with a limited government, to be converted to a Democracy, with an omnipotent government. As a result, some Americans have been granted positive rights, which is contrary to our Constitution. For example, special privileges have been carved out for women, blacks, sexual orientation, the disabled, the poor, unions, illegal immigrants, and the politically connected wealthy. Property and the “fruit of labor” of certain individuals or groups are taxed and regulated away, then redistributed to those individuals or groups granted special privileges.


This taking of property from one person and giving it to another is clearly unconstitutional, but the average American has been indoctrinated to believe otherwise, fully supported by a Supreme Court which, over the years, has either ignored or re-interpreted the Constitution in support of a leviathan. Although, I might add, the current Supreme Court has issued several rulings that should restrict the power of government agencies to regulate and impose fines.      


“In American Marxism, Mark Levin explained how Marxist ideology has invaded our society and culture.” He exposed the institutions, scholars, and activists leading the revolution. With The Democrat Party Hates America, Levin picks up where he left off. He “proves that since its establishment, the Democratic Party has set out to rewrite history and destroy the foundation of freedom in America.”


The Democratic Party “is the entity through which Marxism has installed its philosophy and its new revolution” to destroy the American experiment in individual freedom.


With the November 5, 2024, Presidential election, we are fast approaching another turning point in our history, not so dis-similar to what our Founders faced in 1776 and the division that led to the American Civil War (1861-1865).


As Levin wrote, “The Democratic Party must be resoundingly conquered in the next election and several elections thereafter, or it will become extremely difficult to undo the damage it is unleashing at breakneck pace.” Therefore, our only choice is to vote for former President Donald J. Trump, along with every Republican candidate down-ballot.    



Dum Spiro Spero—While I breathe, I hope.


Slàinte mhath,


Robert (Mike) G. Beard Jr., C.P.A., C.G.M.A., J.D., LL.M.

[1] Considering the recent unconstitutional proposals by President Biden to interfere with the operations of the Supreme Court, you may want to get a copy of Freedom vs. Democracy, available through our website. There are only two choices: (1) Either you believe in individual freedom; or (2) you believe in slavery. There is no in-between. Democracy or majority rule represents the ability of the majority to enslave the minority.