Believe what you want but, if you don’t have all the facts… if you don’t look at the issue from all angles… if you only hear or have access to one side of an argument, you cannot make a rational decision. Please bear with me for an informed rebuttal our government has previously suppressed.


People, we’ve been lied too Big-Time! Far too many individuals have been injured and died from the COVID-19 “vaccines” and it continues. These so-called “safe and effective” COVID “vaccines” were made mandatory if you wanted to attend certain schools, play sports, keep your jobs, work in hospitals, enter certain restaurants, enter retail establishments (if they weren’t forcibly shutdown), and travel internationally. The other side of the argument was censored and continues to be, along with the suppression of deaths related to the COVID Jabs.


Important studies have been quashed that show with each additional booster, your chances of serious side-effects, and even death, increase without protecting you from getting COVID. Too many healthy young people, athletes, bodybuilders, ad-infinitum, have mysteriously dropped dead of heart attacks and blood clots. The only change in their lifestyles was the COVID-19 Jabs, which has been purposely ignored by the Government and most media organizations. It’s not just the young that are dying, many grandparents that were jabbed and boosted are suddenly meeting their maker, while their deaths are conveniently blamed on old age ailments.


It appears that the main complication with the COVID Jabs and COVID in general, is the spike protein, which is a significant issue that must be dealt with. According to Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, “Everyone should be in action now. . . Base detoxification at this time based on all available evidence for non-pregnant adults without soy issues:


1)    Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) – [twice daily]

2)    Bromelain 500 mg

3)    nano Curcumin 500 mg – [twice daily]”


These supplements are available from without a prescription. My wife and I did not get the COVID “vaccines,” but we did get COVID and recovered with no problem, even though we were in the high-risk category that was encouraged to get the Jabs. By the way, we were prescribed Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and, told to stay away from the Hospital, where they most assuredly would have given us remdesivir, to avoid malpractice issues because that was the fraudulent protocol from the FDA and CDC, courtesy of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Hopefully Fauci will ultimately pay for his crimes.


DO NOT TAKE THESE SUPPLEMENTS without advice from your own Medical Professionals. I strongly suggest you go to the FLCCC Alliance, Home - FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (, and at least download their 2-page summary I-PREVENT Vaccine Injury, which includes several other supplements that my wife and I are taking. In addition, they have a 14-page Vaccine Injury Protocol with 71 references/studies to share with your own Medical Professionals. It is also suggested that you sign-up for the FLCCC Alliance newsletters and email updates, to keep informed on the breakthroughs concerning prevention and treatment protocols for COVID-19 and other medical issues.


Multiple studies have shown that the COVID “vaccines” release spike proteins into your body, which travel to your vital organs, causing injury that is hard to detect until it is too late, maybe as long as 3-to-5 years. You might feel fine today, but these troublesome spike proteins may be circulating in your body causing unseen damage that is irreversible.


It’s all about the mitigation of the spike protein in your system and, as Dr. McCullough implores, “Everyone should be in action now.”


Still skeptical? Look up Dr. Meryl Nass, a physician from Maine, who is fighting to keep her medical license, for going against the government mandates forced upon Hospitals and the Medical Profession writ large. The United States government spent at least $5 trillion of taxpayer funds bribing the media, influencers, churches, hospitals, and medical groups to promote the international conspiracy that the only cure for COVID was the “safe and effective” “vaccines.” In addition, the mainstream media was more than happy NOT to investigate, purposely censor contradictory views & opinions, and accept the Government propaganda because Big Pharma provided much of its advertising revenue!  


So, if the “vaccines” were so safe and effective—with no protocol for early prevention and treatment using other alternatives—WHY were the “vaccine” manufacturers indemnified from any criminal and financial liability?! Follow the money… who’s getting paid off… you may want to read, The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and, Lies My Gov’t Told Me, by Robert W. Malone, MD, MS, who was also demonized and censored.


In the meantime, here’s some excerpts from an interview with Dr. Meryl Nass by Dr. Mercola (who was a target of censorship by the Biden Administration) that ought to make your skin crawl:


“Most doctors are between a rock and a hard place. Unfortunately, threatening a doctor’s medical license is an exceptionally effective way to ensure compliance, and an effective coercion to follow the rules even though they are wholly unlawful. The reason for this is simple economics. Most doctors owe hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans, and unless they’re independently wealthy, they can’t afford to go into private practice.”


“That means they work as an employee for a hospital or big clinic, where the rules are being set by hospital administrators. In addition, medical education is wholly captured by Big Pharma, and has been for the last 100 years. As such, medical students are being brainwashed from Day One. On top of that, you have peer pressure.”


“We’re in the middle of a war,” Nass says, “It’s a war about who gets control of people, and the doctors just happened to be a necessary chess piece for them. By doing this to me and others, the state has been very successful at getting most doctors to keep their mouth shut and go along and comply with what they want.”


“Indeed, it takes enormous courage and commitment to patient welfare to buck a system that has all these built-in pressures. In my estimate, perhaps only 5% of the 1 million doctors in America took a stand against the COVID tyranny.”


“More than 75% of doctors are employed by somebody else, and that means they don’t have a say,” Nass explains. “If they’re employed by a hospital, the hospital bean-counters said, ‘Look, everybody who comes in is getting remdesivir, that’s it, if they’re admitted with COVID.’ And they [the employed Doctors] can’t fight back.”


“There was so much money involved that people who tried to fight back lost their jobs. And this was what hospitals and employers were told to do by government and so-called ethicists like Art Caplan. You fire people and then everybody else goes along. So that’s what happened.”


“. . . you can’t expect someone to believe something if their salary depends on their not believing it. . . The peer pressure is huge . . . If you don’t go along with everybody else, you are liable for malpractice if your patient doesn’t do well.”


“So, if I give someone hydroxychloroquine for COVID and they wind up dying, I can be sued for malpractice because I wasn’t following the standard of care. But if I gave them remdesivir and they die, I was following the standard of care, and I can’t be sued for that.”


“These are terrible things. This means that the entire [medical] profession has been pushed—through these rules—to do things wrong. And all of this was probably thought of, or even planned, long ago, so that it would be relatively easy to control all the doctors.”


“We were mandated to get fast-tracked ‘vaccines’ that turned out to be both ineffective and extremely dangerous, and even though the proverbial cat is now out of the bag, government is still trying to pressure people into taking additional boosters. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized vaccine manufacturers to make a third, bivalent, version of the mRNA shot, to be rolled out in the fall in combination with the flu shots.” (Dr. Joseph Mercola)


Ladies and Gentlemen, before getting any vaccine going forward, please read JFK Jr.’s book and Dr. Malone’s book, especially about the mRNA and associated problems, like the spike protein; both books were mentioned above. As one of my Medical Doctor clients told me, he was going to wait at least 3-to-5 years to weigh the evidence, even though he is also in the high-risk category and was encouraged to get the COVID “vaccine.”


Please consult your own medical professionals, armed with the information above—FLCCC Alliance Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19. Have them help you implement Dr. Peter McCullough’s over the counter “post-jab prophylactic advice” or, explain to you why the “vaccines,” boosters, and other prescription drugs are more beneficial; and why you need not worry about the spike protein issues.         


By the way, it’s not just the medical profession that has been compromised, it is also the legal profession, academia, accountants, journalists, financial & insurance professionals, scientists, and politicians that have been misled by the power-elites that throw money into their education resulting in indoctrination. See my last blog, Choose Freedom Not Democracy. We must take-back our schools at the K-through-12 levels and stop funding our alma maters that subscribe to socialist ideals which are destroying our freedom and “snuffing out the free speech of others.”


Unbelievable… prior to finalizing this blog post, I received a newsletter from Dr. Frank Shallenberger stating that California Governor Newsom just signed into law making it a crime for doctors to mention certain alternative treatments! The Bill (AB2098) states that “any doctor who goes against the ‘scientific consensus of standard care’ could be stripped of his or her license to practice medicine.”


As Dr. Shallenberger states, “scientific consensus” is constantly changing. “Scientists once believed the sun revolved around the earth . . . They believed that germs had nothing to do with disease . . . They believed that heavier-than-air machines would never be able to fly.” The “good doctor” also cited numerous modern-day examples to include the removal of tonsils and FDA approved drugs that were “removed from the market after they killed hundreds of thousands of people.” Scientific consensus changed and rightly so!


Dr. Shallenberger concluded, “imagine what would have happened if there had been some stupid law that said you couldn’t disagree with the ‘scientific consensus.’ We’d all be in big trouble. Sadly, that’s where we seem to be headed these days.”           


Good luck to us all and please, do what is necessary to stay healthy!


Dum Spiro Spero—While I breathe, I hope.


Slainte mhath,


Robert (Mike) G. Beard Jr., C.P.A., C.G.M.A., J.D., LL.M.