Did Voter Fraud Change the 2020 Election?

What about the “Big Lie” that the 2020 Election was stolen? The Democrats, Deep-State Republicans or RINO’s, Academia, and the “Drive-By-Media” all agree that no evidence exists that voter fraud occurred; some grudgingly admit voter fraud may have occurred but, not enough to change the results of the election, citing the many court cases that were dismissed.

The Courts did not want to get involved in the 2020 election; they dismissed voter fraud lawsuits on grounds such as Laches (an Old French term used in the common law that basically means you waited too long), Standing (the complaint may be valid, but you are the wrong person to bring the complaint), or Failure to State a Claim, i.e., you have many allegations but not enough hard evidence. This last reason for dismissal—Failure to State a Claim—is completely ludicrous. In most civil litigation, one cannot possibly have direct access to the evidence because the accused or guilty party is not willing to make available their books, records, papers, ad infinitum that would lead to a guilty verdict. Rather than dismiss the case, the Court grants a period of “discovery” allowing for subpoenas to take depositions and access the appropriate documents necessary to pursue the case; at a minimum, this takes several months. For the most part, this did not happen until now in Georgia, to be discussed below.

Here's what Tom Fitton with Judicial Watch (https://www.judicialwatch.org) had to say, “Clear evidence is being exposed that the 2020 election was fatally compromised. The facts strongly suggest that Donald Trump won the election.”  Fitton continued, “The evidence overwhelmingly shows officials in key battleground states—as the result of a coordinated pressure campaign by Democrats and allied groups—violated the Constitution, state and federal law in changing mail-in voting rules that resulted in unlawful and invalid certifications of Biden victories.”

Mr. Fitton concluded, “Dirty voter rolls were and have been a major problem. A . . . Judicial Watch study revealed there are 1.8 million excess, or ‘ghost’ voters in 353 counties across 29 states. In contested Fulton County Georgia, there was a 109% voter registration rate – that is, more names on the rolls than eligible voting age citizens. Similar problems were uncovered in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan, among other states.” https://www.judicialwatch.org/in-the-news/fitton-failed-election/

John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D., who I had the pleasure to meet and speak with several times at two consecutive FreedomFest events in Las Vegas, completed a 25-page study, A Simple Test for the extent of Vote Fraud with Absentee Ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election, available at  Measuring Vote Fraud Dec 21 2020 (acceptelection.com). In Dr. Lott’s Introduction, he states, “Courts have frequently rejected Republican challenges to the 2020 presidential vote because they want evidence that a case involves enough fraud to alter the vote’s outcome in a particular state. Republicans argue that since their observers couldn’t watch the vote count, they can’t provide that evidence and have asked for discovery. Still, while courts have agreed that irregularities have occurred, they weren’t willing to grant discovery unless Republications first presented enough evidence of fraud to overturn the election. Republicans thus faced a kind of Catch 22.”

Dr. Lott continues, “Concerns over fraud with absentee ballots is not something limited to Republicans in the United States. Indeed, many European countries have voting rules stricter to prevent fraud than we have in the United States. For example, 74% entirely ban absentee voting for citizens who live in their country. Another 6% allow it, but have very restrictive rules, such as limiting it to those in the military or in a hospital, and they require evidence that those conditions are met. Another 15% allow absentee ballots but require that one present a photo voter ID to acquire it. Thirty-five percent of European countries completely ban absentee ballots for even those living outside their country. The pattern is similar for developed countries.”

Dr. Lott concluded, “The estimates . . . indicate that there were 70,000 to 79,000 “excess” votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Adding Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, the total increases up to 289,000 excess votes. The precinct level estimates for Georgia and Pennsylvania indicate that vote fraud may account for Biden’s win in both states. The voter turnout rate data also indicates that there are significant excess votes in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin as well. While the problems shown here are large, there are two reasons to believe that they are underestimates: 1) the estimates using precinct level data assume that there is no fraud occurring with in-person voting and 2) the voter turnout estimates do not account for ballots for the opposing candidate that are lost, destroyed, or replaced with ballots filled out for the other candidate.”

Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, released a video, Absolute Proof, available at https://michaeljlindell.com. I watched the entire 2-hour presentation with cyber-security experts, an MIT graduate with several advanced degrees, lawyers, and others; and was extremely appalled at what appeared to have happened. According to Mr. Lindell, if voter fraud had not occurred, President Trump would have won by 80 million votes to Biden’s 68 million votes.

Not convinced yet, go to Sidney Powell’s website at https://www.sidneypowell.com and click-on Filings/Evidence.

In addition, the Heritage Foundation maintains an Election Fraud Database, which “presents a sampling of recent instances of election fraud across the country.” According to the Heritage Foundation, “There are people who claim that election fraud is massive, and those who claim it is exceedingly rare or doesn’t occur at all [e.g., Democratic politicians, modern-day liberals in academia, RINO’s, members of the Deep State, and the Drive-By-Media].”

The Heritage Foundation continued, “. . . as the U.S. Supreme Court said in 2008 in Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, “flagrant examples of such fraud . . . have been documented throughout this Nation’s history by respected historians and journalists . . . [that] demonstrate that not only is the risk of voter fraud real but that it could affect the outcome of a close election.” https://www.heritage.org/article/about-the-election-fraud-database.

On May 5, 2022, Dinesh D’Souza released 2000 Mules, a political documentary that provides evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, claiming that in five swing states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), thousands of individuals or “mules” were paid to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes, which swung the election for Joe Biden.

Judge Amy Totenberg has recently ruled that there is “substantial evidence of cybersecurity deficiencies” in Georgia’s Dominion Voting Machines, which may have occurred in the 2020 presidential election and has set a trial date for January 9, 2024. Among the evidence includes a report by J. Alex Halderman, a computer scientist from the University of Michigan, who was granted access to the voting machines by Judge Totenberg. Halderman’s Report identified several vulnerabilities: (1) QR Codes on paper ballots were potentially being altered; (2) Malware installation on individual machines with brief physical access; and (3) Broader system vulnerabilities accessible to certain election officials.        


There is abundant proof that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen and between 74 million to 80 million people who voted for President Donald J. Trump, know the truth.

The Truth will prevail.


Dum Spiro Spero—While I breathe, I hope.


Slainte mhath,


Robert (Mike) G. Beard Jr., C.P.A., C.G.M.A., J.D., LL.M.